Your Shortcut to Consumer Surveys in Minutes

Turn your curiosity into clarity without the hassle of thinking up surveys.

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Platform with Ready-To-Use Survey Tools

Access Prebuilt Consumer Surveys

We make it easy to get Consumer Insights with Surveys.

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Diverse Range of Topics
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Access to Consumers Worldwide
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Reliable Results
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Easy-to-Use Platform
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All Affordable
Survey ResultsActive Consumers

What is deeptrue?

deeptrue offers a variety of ready-made market research surveys. Easily select a tool that aligns with your goals, define your audience, and commence data gathering without needing to create questionnaires, translate, or program. Benefit from expertly developed, best practice surveys. Data collection is efficient, with questionnaires sent to participants via push notifications for immediate responses. This eliminates the need to find respondents. Results are rapidly available, analyzed directly in the dashboard. Prior market research experience is not required.

Who uses deeptrue?

Anyone engaged in B2C (Business-to-Consumer) interactions seeking Insights into their target audience. This spans a diverse array of sectors, from FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) to financial services and insurance, among others. It also encompasses a broad spectrum of organizational types, such as large enterprises, SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), creative and consulting agencies, Startups, and individual entrepreneurs.

Ready to get started? Create an account today

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Organized Dashboard

Keep All Your Projects in View

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Our Standout Characteristics

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Access ready-made surveys with no need to create questionnaires, translate, or do any programming.
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Access to Consumers
Gain access to 335+ million consumers across 130 countries. Target your audience based on country and demographic options.
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Built-in Expertise
The tools incorporate best practice expertise from industry experts, ensuring you obtain reliable results.
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High Quality
Top data quality through meticulous participant selection, monitoring, and advanced control mechanisms for reliable and precise data.
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Pay only for what you actually use. No subscription fees.
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Flexible Pricing
Tailor the survey in the project setup to align with your budget constraints.
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Results can be seen in real-time on the dashboard. Speedy results bring you necessary Insights quickly, within hours for most surveys.
Faster And Better Surveys

Discover Insights Effortlessly

Get Insights Into Your Target Audience Without Needing to Create, Translate, or Program Questionnaires

The Old Way

Slows You Down and Drains Your Budget

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Developing Questions
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Searching Respondents
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Field Management
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Analyzing Data
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Visualizing Data
The New Way

Let deeptrue Be Your Survey Assistant

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Use Ready-Made Survey Templates
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Available in 60+ languages
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Connect with 335M+ Consumers Worldwide
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Get Automated Insight Reports
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Co-host Surveys With Your Team
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All at the push of a button
How It Works

In Only Four Steps

Begin your market research journey with ease using our streamlined five-step process. From project initiation to insightful data analysis, we guide you every step of the way to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently. Discover how our platform can simplify your research and deliver the results you need.

Select Tool - deeptrue

1. Select Tool

Easily select a tool that aligns with your goals.

Setup Project - deeptrue

2. Setup Project

Follow the instructions for project setup. Provide the necessary information and documents for your project.

Start Data Collection - deeptrue

3. Start Data Collection

Within hours, deeptrue finds suitable consumers, collects data via a questionnaire, and automatically analyzes it.

Get Insight Report - deeptrue

4. Get Insight Report

Receive a report. Share the gained Insights with your team.


Don’t take our word for it. See what our clients say.

“deeptrue supports us in a well-founded, fast, and easy way with our marketing decisions, especially in campaign development. We found deeptrue as an excellent platform for evaluating our customer insights!”

Client Maestrani

“For us, deeptrue is an interesting and fast tool to get consumer feedback on new ads and thus implement more effective campaigns. Having access to built-in solutions, we manage to save time and money on our end.”

Client Beeyond

“Innovation is the core of our business. We found deeptrue as the ideal tool to validate ideas and concepts quickly, easily, and cost-effectively. This helps us to use our resources efficiently and on the right projects.”

Client BKW

“Understanding our user’s behavior on our website was a cumbersome task we had in mind. deeptrue helped us rethink our incredibly relevant decisions because they came from actual users, not based on hypotheses.”

Client Unlimitix

“deeptrue makes possible what is indispensable for us: fast feedback and actionable insights from consumers. Knowing what makes consumers tick aligned our business activities with customers’ needs efficiently.”

Client Caritas Markt

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