Website Test

Optimize Your Website with Feedback from Real Visitors

Gain actionable insights to improve user experience, content, and drive conversions.

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Get Reliable Results

Elevating Website Impact

Get Feedback from Consumers

You have designed a new website or revamped an existing one. Before going live, it's essential to gauge how your target audience will interact with it. deeptrue's Website Test offers you the opportunity to understand the user experience and identify areas for improvement. By capturing insights on user engagement, navigation ease, and overall satisfaction, we assist you in optimizing your website's performance. Utilize the tool to refine your website, ensuring it not only attracts but also retains visitor interest, turning browsers into loyal customers. Embark on a journey of strategic online presence enhancement with deeptrue's Website Test.

Survey ResultsActive Consumers

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Key Benefits

Transform Your Website into a Powerful Tool for Business Success

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Critical Insights

Identify pain points and discover what visitors love or wish to see improved. This feedback is invaluable for making user-driven enhancements to your website.

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Boost Usability

Enhance your website's usability, ensuring it's intuitive, engaging, and accessible to everyone. Create a seamless experience that encourages longer visits and deeper engagement.

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Enhance Content

Make your content more relevant and effective. Ensure your messaging resonates with your audience and drives them to take action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up, or engaging with your content.

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Decision Support

Optimize your website’s layout, navigation, and call-to-action placements based on real user feedback. Tailor your site to streamline the user journey, making it easier for visitors to convert.

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Comprehensive Analytics

Use survey feedback alongside analytics data for a fuller understanding of how users interact with your site. This dual approach offers actionable insights for targeted improvements.

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Drive Innovation

Stay open to new ideas and suggestions from visitors. deeptrue's Website Test can reveal unexpected opportunities for innovation and improvement.

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Competitive Advantage

Continuous refinement based on direct user feedback keeps your website ahead of the competition. Make your site the go-to resource for your target audience.


Includes All Relevant Metrics for a Comprehensive Website Evaluation

Overall Appeal

General attractiveness and user satisfaction with the website, gauging how appealing the site is to its visitors.

Missing Information

Identifies any gaps in content that users expect to find, highlighting areas where the website may lack necessary or expected information.

Uniqueness of the Content

Evaluates how original and distinct the website's content is compared to competitors, assessing the value it brings to users.

NPS Score

Determines the Net Promoter Score, which reflects the likelihood of users recommending the website to others, a key indicator of customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Assesses how effectively the website encourages users to take a desired action, such as signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or creating an account.

Suggestions for Improvement

Gathers user feedback on potential enhancements, providing insights into how the website could be improved from a user's perspective.


Measures how easily users can understand the information presented on the website, including the clarity of text, instructions, and overall content organization.

Uniqueness of the Visual Design

Evaluates the originality and distinctiveness of the website’s visual elements, such as layout, color scheme, and graphics, and how they contribute to the site's identity.

Use cases

Tailored for Every Stage of Business Growth

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Startups and New Businesses

For startups and new businesses, testing their website with consumers offers critical insights into market receptivity and user engagement, serving as a litmus test for their business concept and online presence. It enables them to fine-tune their messaging, ensure their value proposition is clearly understood, and identify any usability issues before they become costly to fix. This early-stage feedback is invaluable, allowing these emerging entities to make data-driven adjustments that enhance their potential for success in a competitive landscape.

Analytics Development - Saasplex X Webflow TemplateAnalytics SEO - Saasplex X Webflow Template
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E-commerce Platforms

E-commerce platforms gain significantly from consumer-led website testing, as it unveils insights into shopping behaviors, preferences, and obstacles encountered during the online purchasing process. This feedback is instrumental in optimizing the user journey, from product discovery through to the checkout process, thereby enhancing user experience, increasing conversion rates, and fostering customer loyalty. Moreover, understanding and addressing these key areas through targeted improvements ensures a smoother, more engaging shopping experience that can lead to higher sales and repeat business.

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Established Brands Undergoing Rebranding or Website Overhaul

For established brands undergoing rebranding or a website overhaul, website testing with consumers is pivotal in ensuring that the new online identity resonates with their audience and aligns with current market expectations. It provides a safeguard against disconnects between the brand’s vision and the customer's perception, minimizing the risk of alienating loyal customers while attracting new ones. This strategic approach to gathering feedback on visual and navigational changes enables brands to implement updates that not only reflect their evolved identity but also enhance user satisfaction and engagement.

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Don’t take our word for it. See what our clients say.

Client Unlimitix

“Understanding our user’s behavior on our website was a cumbersome task we had in mind. deeptrue helped us rethink our incredibly relevant decisions because they came from actual users, not based on hypotheses.”

Testimonial Philipp Klug

Philipp Klug

CEO at Unlimitix
How It Works

In Only Four Steps

Begin your website testing journey with ease using our streamlined four-step process. From project initiation to insightful data analysis, we guide you every step of the way to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently. Discover how deeptrue's Website Test can simplify your research and deliver the results you need.

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1. Select Tool

Easily select the Website Test Tool.

Setup Project - deeptrue

2. Setup Project

Follow the instructions for project setup. Provide the necessary information and documents for your project.

Start Data Collection - deeptrue

3. Start Data Collection

Within hours, deeptrue finds suitable consumers, collects data via a questionnaire, and automatically analyzes it.

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4. Get Insight Report

Receive a report. Share the gained Insights with your team.


Find Answers To Frequently Asked Questions Here

Who answers my survey?

At deeptrue, we’re linked with over 335 million highly engaged panelists and intrinsically motivated respondents, ensuring both superior data quality and industry-leading turnaround times. Once a target audience is defined, our automated system effortlessly connects with the relevant consumers. Count on our extensive consumer network to reach the precise target demographics and achieve the ideal sample size.

Can I also conduct a multi-country test?

Yes, you can run your survey in many different countries. You can select the countries during the project setup. If your desired country is not in the list, contact us, and we will indeed find a solution.

Do you offer support in setting up surveys?

Absolutely! Our team of market research specialists is here to support you at every stage. Prefer to handle things yourself? No problem! deeptrue offers the flexibility to be used as a complete do-it-yourself tool, as well as providing the option to engage with us as a full-service research agency.

How does the payment work?

To use insight tools, you must purchase credits. You can buy credits in the “Payments” section of your dashboard. You can pay via an invoice or credit card. After the purchase, your credits are available for your survey projects, and you have full access to all deeptrue tools.

When do I get my results?

Completion times vary based on the target demographic and can span from a few minutes to several days. Typically, surveys are finished on the same day they are launched. Generally, initial results are accessible within just a few hours. However, for surveys with highly specific demographic criteria, the completion timeframe may extend.

Where is deeptrue available?

deeptrue conducts surveys in 130+ countries globally. The tools are currently available for the following countries: Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo D.R., Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Gabon, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hongkong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Macedonia, Malawi, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan Region, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe. If your desired country is not included, contact us, and we will surely find a solution.

What is your pricing?

Pricing is determined on a per-participant basis, with the cost per participant varying based on the target group selected and the number of metrics chosen in the project configuration. Set up your project for free to receive an estimate tailored to your needs.

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